Do you think violence news as breaking news is harmful to society
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ye it will harmful as it can raise the fear in the mind of people.
The very concept of breaking news is to create sensation. The media gives too much importance to violence, crimes, subversive and anarchic activities. It goes without saying that highlighting violence as so called breaking news is very harmful to society.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The breaking news is the term used to show the importance and preference to the news.It can be any news.But,our media mostly gives importance to violence.
I agree with Gulshaji on explanation of breaking news. It may or may not be important but can definetely effect people.
Yes, I agree that the breaking news which consists of violence directly or indirectly harms the society. Media always seems to highlight these type of news which have its negative effect on the spectators or public...!
yes I am agree that it is harmful to the society and this should be stopped.
breaking news attracts the mind of people to listen it carefully but sometimes it is worth less so it is not necessary to make each news breaking news.
It may or may not be harmful, but it can be helpful too, as people may avoid going out

yes the violence news cannot be a breaking news it will effect the mind of people and fill fear.
Media should only promote those news which are safe and useful for general public.
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