From where the name NYLON came? guess !
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Nylon is a polymer that is made from petroleum products and is used to create a synthetic fabric. It is similar in texture to silk and was produced as an alternative

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Thank you Saralaji for more information about nylon.
DuPont explained that the name was originally intended to be "No-Run" ("run" meaning "unravel"), but was modified to avoid making such an unjustified claim and to make the word sound better.
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NYLON was first invented in New York and London.So from New york NY and From London taking LON it is named NYLON.
Pradeep has provided us more information about the nylon. thank you pradeep for sharing the link

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

sarala is right about the nylon it a polymer and made from the petroleum products
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