It is good to see that governement is often concerned about roadways and expanding it is good work indeed. But in the name of expansion arent they creating nuisance. What i mean is for long time they digg holes in the middle of the busy road even without indications. I came across such situations where people fell in the pit created for road expansions. A small boy was trapped in the pit. However he was rescued.

Dont you think Governement should monitor the status from time to time?
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ya you said exactly right. road are expanded but it is too long time work and till then people have to pass by those roads which are damaged by govt to expand the road.
Isha i hope all of us feel the same way. But what can common people do to avoid this situation. We cannot fight with road expansion workers working there. Share your thoughts and suggest some ideas.
i don't think there is some other way that we can choose \ya some shortcuts that we can use to move from that place.I mean to say we can use other paths instead of using under working path.
Yes govt should monitor the progress from time to time, and should do try to complete as early as possible

yes,really.Government should take proper concern over this issue which causes inconvenience to the public.
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