Why do you think god gave us life? Do you think we have a purpose in the universe?


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My life is fact. This is as much fact as that of planets, air and land. It is immaterial who gave what. I do not think as I have no mind to mind things.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

All of us are here on this Earth for some specific purpose. The purpose is over, life is over.
god gave us and every other organism ,life to produce more of our kind.
Everyone in this world has been given birth to because he/she might have done good deeds in his/her previous life and God has given a gift to us to live a life of happiness as a HUMAN.

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I personally think and believe that God has given us this life to do something fruitful and positive and serve the mankind to the best of our abilities. In fact we are the sons and daughters of God and He has sent us to spread his message of love and peace to this world. But this thinking differs from person to person and everyone has there own ideas about how they want to spend their lives.

I remember the famous quote from Shakespeare which goes somewhat like this, "This world is like a stage, Men and Women are actors and the God is the director."
god have sent us here for some purpose.if we don't complete it means our life aim is left.
i have the full faith on the existence of god they must exist and they give lifes too.
I personaly believe in God. I think the universe created by god.God bless us all time.

Yes, without any reason God never do anything. So God gave me life with some reason. So when time comes then that reason will be implemented by the encouragement of God

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It is our duty to make our life purposeful.Life without purpose is like a food without taste.
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