Do aliens visit earth ? Is it true

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Yes alliens visited earth in the cinema Koi mill gaya by writtik roshan a few yers ago.
The fact that aliens exists is yet to be proved by the scientists in the true sense. Though they claim that they have spotted alien's foot marks and UFO etc, I think these theories yet to be proved and accepted by all...

I have seen in some movies and read in books about the aliens visiting our earth but I think all these are based on theories, myths and fiction!!!
Lots of accusation goes on,but yes I believe that aliens are there and they do come to our Earth to visit .

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I don't believe in it but scientists have some proven results on it.
there is nothing like aliens ..
Tbanks for the information Ajay,

Have ever people seen aliens in real apart from movies

I personally dont believe the existence and visit of aliens. There is no solid proof for it.
though it has not yet been proven,but i bielieve there is a huge possibility of alien existence...our earth is a tiny part of our galaxy milky way..and milky way is a tiny little part of our if you slightly broaden your thinking then you will realise that existence of other live forms like ours (or even better than us)is a big possibility.
Oh!I have just seen them in the movie E.T. I don't believe it ,Dev.
that up to you naga..those were just my thoughts.
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