Apart from potential or capabilities luck plays an important role in interviews...Do you agree?
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Yes, apart from potential and capabilities luck plays a role,


yes,its true.Apart from potential or capabilities luck plays an important role in interviews.
Luck in interview!!!!!!!!! Are you joking . there is no luck in interview. Selection in each round depends on the performance not on luck.
Luck only plays a minor part with self determination and skills plays a greater role.
Luck does serves an important role for job other than knowledge.
we can make our luck by ourselves only.
If selected then good luck otherwise bad luck ye sab kahne ki baaten hai hota wahi hai jo uparwala chahe.

Santosh Kumar Singh



yes i feel that luck plays a major role in interviews..
Yes,it happens that while you were in the interview you are not ask questions about what you have studied till now and conversations goes on with few general knowledge questions.

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Certainly it plays an vital role. I have my own experience.
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