what is worst pick up line you have ever heard?
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I dislike the phrase 'At end of the day'. Instead I prefer- We may agree that.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

it was the abusing words i listened in street quarrels one man was using for another.
I can't do it any more. I am fed up is the worst pick up line.
Hi, my name is (name), how do you like me so far????? :kiss:
I don't have anything like that till now but may be in future.
I have listened many lines like this but I can not share those here.

"do go there. you are unfit for anything. What a thing you did by rejecting the mathc" . These are the lines which i feel worst

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

"Hi..I want to ask you a question ? Do you believe in blah blah blah"

worst pick up line ever...why do guys do that.


I think this line irritates me much "You have decision which is not good to survive in life" :angry: :unsure:
ok guys by pick up line i meant the first thing you say to a completely stanger to start a conversation..mostly a girl
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