What is the best advice your parents have given you ?


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My parents always give me an advice to be honest and about hardworking as there is no substitute of honesty.

My parents advice is always believe in God and what ever happens will happens for the best and good

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

If you are in trouble then always see person whose condition is below yours. so you will be happy.

Santosh Kumar Singh



My parents tell me to take th name of in whole day while gong outside and coming to home . god will save us from outer dangers.
my folks give me advices almost all the time ..but the most important value that they have taught me is that nothing substitutes hardwork .
My parents have given me a number of advices.One of it is"don't expect anything.Do your duty and the victory will attain you automatically">
My parents have given a number of advices and one of that is, no work is small or big, work is work


My late father was a man of few words and he would prefer to lead by example!
My parents always advice me to keep a cool head and maintain a great composure in adverse situations of life...!
My parents also give me advice,"do your duty and result will automatically come.'

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