Are you a patient person ? Why or why not ?

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Yes I am a very cool man.As i think tampering our head we can make only loss.
i believe im not that patient and a bit short tempered also..but i try to be as patient as possible
I am mostly patient person but if i anything wrong happens i become short temper

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I have patience but not a patient.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I am patient not all time but becomes aggressive also to make work to complete fast.
Mostly I am a patient person, but sometimes when someone irritates I loose my temper

I have only less patient but I am trying to change myself for being more patient.
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I think I am very patient but the world thinks otherwise!!
Most of the time i try to deal things with great patience. sometimes, i lose my temper and because of that i lose the credit too.
Yes, I am a patience person and often try to avoid circumstances and surroundings which are chaotic in nature. But sometimes, somehow I loose my patience and cool and later on I really feel very bad about it....
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