If you had a magic wand what is the one thing you would ask for ?


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I would ask for money as it is the first requirement for living in today's time.
I will ask I wish to get whatever I need.This is my wish.
To be honest, I would have surely asked for someone to be bought back to life who was once so very near and dear to me!!!
I would ask for getting back to barter system, and know body should remember what money is. :)
I would like to ask for a time machine to get back my childhood life.....
I will ask for wealth and change minds of some people according to me.
I would like to ask health and wealth for me and for my family. :laugh:
I would ask for all my dead relatives back to life, especially my father.


hmmmmmmmmm good wish . completing all wishes in single wish only. right!!!!!!! :-)))
ohhh you want to control their minds according to your wish. ahh this is not good.
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