Who has the greatest influence on your life ?


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Well lot of people have good influence on my life due to which it is fluctuating in different directions. ;) :)
The greatest influence on my life is of my father, and there are 2 other persons too


Abraham Lincoln is my role model as I have written in another post. Besides, Nehru, Shastri and V.K. Menon influenced me.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

the greatest influence of my ife has been ,and will always be,my dad..i respect him for the man he is and would love to be half the person he is
Greatest influence of my life is my Father.Other two men influence me a lot in my life.

My mother whose thoughts always motivate me towards positivity.
MMMMMMMMM my parents have the greatest influence on me . they advices me each time when i m on to do mistake.
My mother has the greatest influence on my life and always be.
My mother has been the greatest influence in my life and she is like my friend, philosopher and guide. I love her very much!!! :)
Surely my late father exercised the greatest influence on my life!
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