Medidation and yoga are the best way to give relaxation for both the body and mind.Doing Yoga keeps the body fit.Meditation helps
in keeping mind cool and stable.It reduces most pessimism from our attitude and results optimistic approach.
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you are absolutely right.
vidya wrote:
[quote]Medidation and yoga are the best way to give relaxation for both the body and mind.Doing Yoga keeps the body fit.Meditation helps
in keeping mind cool and stable.It reduces most pessimism from our attitude and results optimistic approach.[/quote]

You are right vidya. Yoga and meditation are must for a better health. If we adopt daily, then we can become wonderful

Cool information and hot earnings @
i think yoga must be made as a compulsory subject in school
Yes, it is absolutely correct.I had practiced it in my earlier days as a part of treatment.
Its a good idea dharanidaran.If Yoga is added in school curriculam,
then students will learn more which would also hep to increase their learning capacity with ood memory power
Yoga is definitely an ideal way for health and happiness. It will be nice to teach Yoga in schools. However, Yoga is not the only way. The object is to have a balanced mind and body. This may be achieved by Yoga/ meditation or otherwise. Being active and taking appropriate rest are the ideal way for health and happiness. Proper diet, activity and rest/ sleep are essential. Yoga may also help.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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