What is the speciality of ramzan?

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The Muslims prepare a very special dish for the Id with milk and dates which is also termed as Shir Khurma. According to Muslims there holy books descended from heaven during the last ten days of this holy month. Some people visit cemeteries to honor their ancestors. This is the time for Muslims to forget all their past grievances...
It is the holy day for Muslims and the day to celebrate with near and dear ones.
It is a holy day , in this day the kuran is sent from heaven to the people. Thats why they feel the purity.So to make themself pure they do fasting for 30days morning to evening. So that the negative effect in their mind and body will be erased and the divinity immerse into them.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Ramzan is a month to worship, and doing all good deeds. Muslims to earn 11 months of the year and one month in ramzan should worshipe, do charity, read quran and pray. Quran was sent in this month of ramzan


You could get more details on this link


Santosh Kumar Singh



Its a festival for Muslims like Diwali for Hindus.Thanks for sharing the link,Santosh.
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