what do you believe in, hard working or smart working?
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I believe in hardworking as there is no substitute of hardworking.

I give main importance to hardwork. Smart work is the second option .

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

i think working hard without a proper plan and strategy is waste...hence a mix of hard and smart working is most beneficial.
before doing work , we should first love the work then we can work with a plan and do hard and smart work

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

i agree to deven that a blend of hard and smart should be there because alone no property of yours can work efficiently it has to have a support of something
Deven has got the answer and question so i think it should be mixture of both.
I believe that smart work should be a vital component of the hard work we do to gain success in life...
Yes Deven I am agree with you .we should plan first,then we should find out the way to do a job.

Only hard work never going to give any success when it combine with good ideal and plan making will give sure success.....
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