we worship lord Ganesha first in all puja -Why?

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May be to get blessings or may be to get your prayers answered quickly


Ganesha is a small among all the gods so the elders has written in sastras to worship Ganesha first.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Because lord Shiv has given Ganesha a blessing that each worship would be accepted if it is started by ganesh puja thats why ganesh pooja is the initial worship of god.
It is because there is a belief that any work started with the puja of god Ganesha will end in success.
This is a boon to Ganesha. Any worship without first worship of Genesha is futile.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I think Lord Ganesh is the remover of all obstacles and hurdles in everyone life. It is for this reason we pray him first.
I will tell you a story.
Once all gods an godesses were in trouble about Who wwould be worshiped first. then Narad suggested that he who could come quickly after a visit the universe , would be worshiped first.
All were come out with own vehicle except Ganesha.Narad asked Ganesha the reason of not going. Little Ganesha replied that Lord Shiva and Mata Parbati were his universe,so he moved around his parents.
Hearing this LOrd Shiba pleased and blessed him,"you will be worshiped first among all gods and godesses".

Thank you said by: ajay

Nice naration of the story. My doubts cleared thank you so much

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Ram Prosad, Even I heard about this story when I was a young one but never knew that it was related with this!!!
Very well explained on your part and I really enjoyed going through it once again and it rejuvenated my memory once again... :)
Yes, the fact is Ganesh has been give boon to be prayed first of all gods. Ram prasad has correctly specified the reason through the story.
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