If we have not enough money to buy books we want to read more.What should we do?

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If you want to read the book then you hire from any library to read


u can get books from library also . its a simple solution not to worry.
You can even browse on internet and read the books. you can borrow from libraries also

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Go to any public library and quench your thirst for knowledge.
Use library or your friend`s one or browse internet.....
There are many options,you can get membership card from library or browse the net.
Presently, internet is best source of online reading. We may read in libraries and form book clubs.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you all for good sharing and i have got my answer.

Internet seems to be the best option as far as reading of books is concerned while one can be a member of a library to get a taste of wide range of collection of books....
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