Is this right or wrong to send our grand parents to oldage home?
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Old age home should be last option. Normally oldies should be accommodated in children and grandchildren home. In rare cases, when the oldies have no children or grandchildren to look after them for any reason, old age home can be considered.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I dont think it is good idea as they miss the love shared by grandchildren and children. however as said by gulshaji if no one is there to look after them then they can prefer.
It is not a good idea to send, as they are our grand parents we should take care of them not strangers. What ever the situation is they should not be sent, we are from them.

sending grand parents to old age home is really bad idea. If there are no one to look after them then they themselves can go but we should not send them as we have a responsibility to look of them and take care of them

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

As grand parents help us to wake up early.They help us in many way. We should also serve them by giving medicines in time and we should take care of them.
There is nothing wrong in sending our parents to oldage home when we doesn't have sufficient time to look after them properly.
There is no question like this.You should not should not should not send any one to old age home.

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In point of view,it is really wrong as they need our love and care in their old age.
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