do you think dhoni is truely a good captain or is he just very very lucky?
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I think hes an average captain as he makes many mistakes and miss so many crucial tricks which win matches but his luck is exta ordinary
Yes he is very lucky.He has achieved the captain ship with luck.He is playing with luck after poor performance.
yea i couldnt agree with you more ram..dhoni's own performance as a batsman has been very poor over the past few months
Dhoni is an average captain with the blessing of good luck and his mistakes are often covered up by the good luck. It is also a fact that he is captaining a side which is full with talent and potential which no other captain in the past got...
i think he is a good captain he uses really good techniques in the matches but it is not used all times by the playes thats why i think india loses the matches.
I think he is both.In some aspects,he is a true captain and in some ,he is lucky.
Dhoni is a good captain but luck also favours him a lot especially in crucial matches.
He is good captain but he survived with full of luck..
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