Why do car batteries lose their charge when they aren't used?


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This is because ,while running in the day time,it gets charged from light.
car battery are loose when they are not in use because they come in contact with air and water it loose.
[quote]car battery are loose when they are not in use because they come in contact with air and water it loose. [/quote]

???? :dry: :huh: :unsure:

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@ Fathima

Anything which is not used for more time will loose their power so car battery loose their charge

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

you should start your car frequently otherwise the battery will charged down, and it will be damaged soon.

Car batteries consists of with a series of lead oxide plates immersed in an electrolyte of sulfuric acid and water and after many discharges the lead sulfate crystallizes making it too difficult to start with....
because the discharging of batteries continues one its charging is off so if you not charge battery of anytype for two- three days it will lost its complete charge by then.
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