Why is it more difficult for older people to lose weight?


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It may be because of the fact that their metabolism and metabolic rate becomes reduced as they get older.
The capacity of the older people goes on reducing and they become delicate like just born kids. So its better not to try to loose weight by exercises and all. If the older people want to lose weight they should prefer to plan in diet only.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

It`s due to continuing the same eating patterns as adult but becoming less active.....

You might be wrong. when the people become old their eating pattern wont be same as before there will be little changes according to their health condition

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Body will be out of control at that time and even though diet control is done they will regain the weight back.
it is not much difficult as it seem the person have to control on diet only to control the weight and he will get the results soon however he can be of any age doesn't matters.
When body has tendency to gain weight, it will be difficult to lose this. The older people do not eat less but work less and idle. So they gain weight.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Due to less activities in old age and body doesn't permit then hence older people find it difficult to shed weight.
because their digestion system is not like that as it was earlier .
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