To heaven and back in 90 minutes.

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woh great journey can i also have it . may i also go for heaven.
Reaching to heaven is like a journey to our native village.

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After declaring death people have become alive, but the journey to heaven with in a short time, is it possible

He may have dreamed it when going into near death but i really can not believe that.
The after death experiences depend on your environment. A European christian's after death experience will differ from an Indian Hindu's. Why? If after death experience is genuine, this should be same for all. I do not think that an American christian will find Yam Raj, Indra and Urvashi after death like an Indian Hindu.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I have read some articles in the recent past about life after death and those articles were also similar to this one which stated the fact that a dead person is often greeted by the person he or she loved much and died long before.
Another similarity which I noticed is the lights reflecting which is very common among the life after death articles...
It is like a dream when one can go and comeback from heaven in just few minutes.
wow!this is really interesting.Everyone will wish for it.Thanks for sharing.
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