what do you feel while you traveling in passenger train, you found public toilet is not cleaned?

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This is habit of our people. As I mentioned elsewhere, we are individualist by nature. So, we maintain our private possessions well and our home toilets are clean. But the public lanes, transport and common facilities are neglected and dirty. There is need to develop public awareness.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: manikandan
Not only train toilets, what about our paublic parks and government buildings! We should feel ashamed!
so keep thinking and inform other also for our cleanness of India

This is something related with awareness of people and the people who makes it dirty hardly could realize the problems that would be faced by others. In my case I try to avoid using such toilets but until and unless people in general are aware about it there is hardly a solution for this menace. I think the concerned ones should stick the notice in front of toilets that it should be kept clean and if any one found guilty of making it dirty would have to pay a heavy fine for it in monetary or in any form....
It bad to see the public toilet uncleaned better to inform the concerned authority to take immediate action in this regard.
No good feeling at all,and should complain the concerned persson


I will adjust ,because it is not a matter of a single person,every single person should come forward to keep the toilets clean.
I love to go from train every time . yes this thing is right that toilets in train are not clean sometimes there is lot of crowd in train and hard to keep sit in same position for the whole journey but still it is good to go through the train.
But it is not possible at all though we complain to concern person

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