Why is water cycle is called a cycle?
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The water cycle is a one where water turns into vapour and once again vapour condenses into water.This is a cyclic process.So,it is called as a water cycle.
It is the movement in a cyclic (around and around). Hence it is called cyclic.
When you end where you begin, the process is cycle. Water flows from sea by evaporation and ultimately returns to sea. Hence this is cycle.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

water cycle is called a cycle because from where it starts it ends in there just like water first becomes vapors then vapors condenses into clouds and then clouds make rain and rain come out in form of water again therefore water returns to original form . thats why it is a cycle.
As a cycle wheel rotates in same direction the water cycle process also starts and ends at same place. that is why it is general defined as cycle.
The process of starting and ending at the same point is called cycle.The water also starts in the sea as a vapour and again comes to see in the form as a rain.

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