What foods should a pregnant women avoid?
Can she have papaya, as heard many foreigners eat papaya in the pregnancy


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Good food with little spicy will help. In India circumstances, papaya may be taken only after consulting a doctor.
Any good balanced diet is safe.. But here are some food you have to avoid unwashed Vegetables,coffee which contain more amount of caffeine, Alcohol, Un pasteurized milk, Raw egg, Smoked Seafood and many more....
Pregnant women should avoid certain fruits like papaya,pine apple,apples(some contain wax coating),etc.
they must be provide a food free from the spices or lesser amount of spices .papaya are good option.
I think there is no such food to avoid.But acidic content has to be controled.

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The pregnant women must avoid the papaye and the honey both are so hot.If they take this one abortion is possible.

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Pregnant women should avoid oily and spicy food and they should also avoid eating papaya, butter and honey. They should rather eat balanced diet and a lot of fruits and vegetables...
I have also heard that pregnant women should not take papaya..
Pregnant women should take food as per their physician.I heard papaya should not be taken.

Having papaya in pregnancy should be avoided. Papaya destroys pregnancy. As you said for papaya is mostly eaten by foreigners. I think as it is foriegn mostly women wont give much importance to have children so they have papaya to destroy their pregnancy

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