Finance minister is giving special package to you support this?
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I believe that the Financial package is necessary for economic stability of state. So, I support.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I am talking about special package. Why the other state will not get it. As many states are economically poor than w.b.?
That depends on the thoughts of the ministers that our ministers are not having this type of ideas.

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Such special packages are not new and many states have been provided with this kind of package!
Giving special financial package for the developing state is a must. I think Government had decided and giving the same to the needy state.
yes i support this because this is a need of time so special package are given.
Yes, I support this as I feel that special financial packages are required very much for the overall development of a state whether it is West Bengal or any other states...
IT is a good initiative from the govt. Each state govt. should contribute to its state like this to improve the economy of states.
Special packages should be given to all the states which have poor economical conditions.
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