How to Maintain laptop and handle it?

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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Laptop can be properly covered and regularly be shown for maintenance.
Even though laptops are handy and easy to use,they should be maintained properly with care.
you should laminate your laptop to prevent dust to go inside it and press its keys normally donot apply much force on keyboard and mouse pad as these are more sensitive.
The basic things that comes about laptop maintenance is that one needs to keep it clean including the screen, keyboards, fan and the heat sink. Cleaning the heat sink will reduce the overheating problem. Always use Isopropyl alcohol to do so....
Laptop should be kept with proper cover, so laminate it. Handle with care.And use antivirus software.
If the laptop is for continuous use , we have to place as in the form of desktop and if you use it occasionally then we can use normally

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Handle it very carefully.

It’s an electronic device, not a book, not a package. Carrying it by the corner (handrest) with the LCD flipped open is just asking for a swift kick in the ass.

Be positive
Thank you guys. I got a great suggestions from you all to maintain laptop. I will surely follow them

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.


Laptop or Pc both need proper maintenance and cleaning. I have written my self experience articled on my laptop. hope that can be useful in reading.please check it. Also defragmentation and disk cleaning should be done occasionally.
Laptop is a very delicate thing. So we should handle it carefully.
and thank you all for your replies

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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