How can you help those who have special needs- sick or poor people, the disabled and the orphans!
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Yes we should help them. WE can help them in different ways by giving mentally or physically. First of all we should have our wise.
i will help by giving them money if it is possible for me at that time.
But dear Isha money is not every thing.Many people need mentally support. Don,t think I am criticizing you ,i have some ex. about it.
I have been informing many of my friends about the needy people.Also I personally do what I can.

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i try to help him by giving as much as i can give him whether it is help or in form of money.
By allocating some time from our busy schedule and speak to them, love and caring them a lot and asking their well being.
We can do a lot many things if we sincerely want! We can directly associate ourselves some of the volutary organizations or indirecly support them monetarily!
We can help them very much by giving them strength mentally to face it.
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