The Haiti earthquake has resulted in the loss of over one lakh people. If you wish to help the people of Haiti by donating money, then you can make use of paypal id.

Click Here to donate for Haiti Earthquake Children in Emergency Fund.

All you need to do is that enter the donation amount at the top section of the link and after that enter your paypal id and password. Once you enter, it will ask for confirmation. Then you can confirm the amount and you will get the report to your mail account. I have earned some 1.97 dollars from neobux, and I just used the above link to send the fund.I knew this is a very small amount, but I am expecting some 7 more dolors from the PTC sites, which i assure you will send to the fund.I believe if you have a paypal account, even a couple of dollars from each members will save some people in Haiti.

If you are not sure about this, how it will reach them, then you can give you email id, i will sen the report of my transaction, which I guess will convince you

Have a nice day.

Earn Money Online - Minimum Rs. 2000 from Boddunan
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If the above link is not working then you can check the link below,

here you click the option PayPal donate

Earn Money Online - Minimum Rs. 2000 from Boddunan
I guess we can prepare a list of money donated by Boddunan members. I believe you can donate 1 dolor at the minimum, if you wish,if you have a paypal ID.

Have a nice day.

Earn Money Online - Minimum Rs. 2000 from Boddunan
I too donated via paypal. 1.98 dollor
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