What kind of person are you? A night owl or an early worm?

I am a night owl


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I am not able to fit into any of the two!!

What is ment by night owl and earth warm.

what is the relation been these and a person.

Can you explain me please

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I was a night owl as I used to go to bed late at night but now I am changing my habit and trying to be an early worm as I am waking up early in the morning and have got so far some amount of success in it!!!
I am both as i can wake at nights and also wake up early in the morning. But due to ill health i am not able to wakeup early from past three to four months.try to bring back my habits back.
I did not get you clearly.. Any way both are not suitable to myself..
I am simply human....
both are suitable to me . I can wake early and i can sleep late

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I goes to bed late and wake up early.So which will be myself? :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

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I go to bed in late at night but wake up early. Early leaving bed I go for a morning work.

given options are not suitable to describe me.
I donot belong to any one of the given options.I will be the moon.

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