What should we do if our best friend was doing drugs behind our back?


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we should try to council our friend and him stop the habit.
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Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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Bring them right in front and give a piece of your mind to bring them back to their senses!
Definitely bring it in open and take the friend to a doctor or somewhere to help him get rid of the addiction.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

If the friend is not listerning to our words then we should try to concern his or her parents and join them in drug rehab association. they will surely cure the friends drug addiction very easily and gives a fresh life

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

The person who take drugs are generally found to be very depressive and weak persons.They have to be tackled very carefully.I would inform his parents about the problem and then try to convince them for admitting him to drug rehabilitation center.There would be experts in the center who can help him in overcoming the problem
If he is my best friend i definitely bring him to the psychologist for help...
We can try our best to explain the darker side of it to him in a mild case and if the problem is a more serious one appropriate professional advice should be sought!
i will try to stop him from doing this first if he or she never stops i will inform his or her parents as i can't let him spoil his or her life.
Should try to tell him to stop such kind of thing for better living.
Convince him the future effects.If he is not coming back take urgent steps to report the same to some de-addiction agencies.

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