Why do you think it is important to obey Laws?
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It`s because life without the law leads to unsafe society.. If any one want to disobey the law will get arrested thats why they are obeying.....
We live in group. Society is a very big group. We cannot manage affairs smoothly without following law which is for benefit of the whole society.

There are some rules for even small groups. Every association, club, institution and even family have rules. You make some rules even if you are single. For example, I have made the rule that I shall take breakfast after bath, then leave for office, buy necessaries on way back, work on Boddunan for some time, then take dinner and stroll for some time. Then watch TV and sleep therafter.

When you need rules even for your daily routine, it is obvious that we need law for whole country also.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

It's absolutely necessary to preserve social order and peace which is prerequisite for development and progress.
Yes we all must obey laws that this laws are for us to protect us.When we disobey the laws we all are in danger position.

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I agreed that we should obey laws as obeying laws teaches us to live with discipline.
yes one should follow a law which was made for the human being.
Yes, I agree that for the smooth functioning of our society we as a member of the society should try our level best to maintain law and order in our lives so that it helps us to leave in complete peace and brotherhood...
It is important to follow laws, if not every person would act according to there wish no matter it is right or wrong


because obeying laws keeps us in manners and teaches us to live in discipline life without discipline can be like life of insects.
It is important to obey Laws because life should be carried on in a specific way.
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