Recently, a well-to-do mand died at Agra Cantt Railway Staion owing to unbearable cold. The man was staying at the Railway station for months together. Nobody would normally remain at Railway station for more than a few hours as the only purpose is to travel or to send off some body. This is very big security lapse. agra is a very sensitive target of terrorists. If some body can stay unnoticed on Agra Cant Railway Station for months together, it speaks volume for security lapse at Agra. The entire Railway, Intelligence network and security forces are lacking in vigilence. In these circumstances, any terrorist action is very easy. I hope all will discuss this matter so as to highlight such dangerous security lapses.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Our People also get aware how to recognize an Unknown person. India should make strict entry for out siders , refugee or foreign tourist to enter our country to stop terrorism activity
Surprisingly, the people and the staff regularly visiting the station had noticed the deceased man staying continuously at the Agra Cantt Railway station but nobody reported and the security including G.R.P failed to take note. Such lethargy can prove very costly in terms of security and possible terrorist action.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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