How to show a girl that you love her without saying it?
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It`s very simple thing, The way you look into her eyes and make a smile can tell everything....
Thank you said by: ajay
I think it can't be shown and as long as she doesn't have the same feeling as yours, she would not buy your logic.It is a two way affair and can't be done intentionally but it happens at once and you come to know later.

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Thank you said by: ajay
to make understand other that you love him /her .he/ she must have feeling same like you . then there will be no need to express anything.
you should make her feel that you love her by supporting and helping her. But friend never make late in telling about your love. After words it gives lot of pain.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Thank you said by: ajay
It is simple by showing her or doing things which she loves, get attract and draws her attention towards you. :lol:
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