Have you ever been a part of a street quarrel?
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No,I haven't been a part of it but have seen many times people quarreling in the street.
No,I did not take any part in it but today i have seen two auto valas fighting with each other on the road.

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I have seen many quarreling on the streets, but I never got involved in such street quarrels


Involving in the street quarell is creating our own problems with our hands.So it is best to stay away from them.

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nops i never being a part of any street quarrel but i have watched it many times.
Due to busyness of my schedule i hardly have a time to look for street quarrel.
When I witness a quarrel in street I keep away from them as it may affect us also.

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street quarrels often occur n streets . this is not a big deal. i never become the part of it.
I have seen some people quarrelling for place in bus and water line but always tried to ignore it.
No, I never been. I want to tell people not to involve in any street quarrels as it is very dangerous. I will tell you the reason also.
In our home town, at one place on road 2 people are quarreling then a auto driver interfered their fight then they suddenly took a knife and poke it into his belly.so guys be careful never involve unnecessarily in anyone fight and get troubles.

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