What are the prominent aspects of Indian culture?
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What Indian culture essentially captures is the plurality in all forms.And ours is a rich mosaic!
Unity in diversity is always said about Indian culture.India has got different cultures in different part. All when combined together, represents Indian culture as a rainbow.

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Our Indian culture is defined by its customs, cuisines, festivals, music,education etc.
Indian culture is the best culture in the world all other country members are liking the indian culture.All are feeling about their birth why they did not born in india.

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In india there are different states with people of different religions and with different languages . still we are equal. this is our indian culture.
Respecting elders and women, sharing and caring for younger ones and living happily with everyone.
I can't point out a single aspect of Indian culture.But am worried about our cultural invasion.

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Our culture is having a lot of culture compared to different countries all of them have their own culture.Every one will definitively follow their culture.So forgeniers love our culture.

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we respect our culture.our lives are effected by our culture.however we are divided in 28 states but we are one.
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