Press make people more panic in some cases. what is your opinion?
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yes, in some cases press make the people more panic by showing same video some number of times

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

In some cases the press do react very immaturely by carrying 'screaming baaner headlines'!This is a very cheap strategy to sell!
Yes,Press make people more panic in some cases by exaggerating a small and simple thing into a big issue.
By creating some news from unimportant news they really cheat people .

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yeah sometimes press exaggerating the normal cases as an adverse things this is the worst part of press.
The latest to join are numerous TV channels with the 'Breaking News' tags constantly on!
They just exaggerating all the news even if it`s small one..... But they are really helpful in most of the case..
The most ridiculous part is that they want to get counted on account of presenting the news first. I remember when a 4-5 years old child fell into a main hole which was too deep to rescue the child easily.They constantly kept on showing the same news throughout the day till he was rescued.

Values of most of the media channels are degrading continuously.In order to pull the viewers, they make the headlines so filthy which carries different meaning than its contents.

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
It is annoying that these people had given permission to enter many places just on showing the ID card!!

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