Is movies showing effect on children?

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yes,absolutely.Nowadays,children are impressed with the actor's actions and dialogues and are seem to imitate them.
Not all the movies showing effect on children. There are some good movies like Taare jamin par..... . It's always good for children.

Be positive
Regardless to say that movies have their own effects on children as other common things in daily lives do and sometimes it is positive while at other times it is negative....
I think mostly children will retain of what they see in movies.. So good movies making good effect..
Movies carry both, good and bad aspects. Heroes are there who perform acts which are to be followed by us while villains are also there who do only wrong thing to ensure their opponents defeat.

Since, children are always and easily attracted by the bad aspects, these movies are said to put wrong impact on them. I agree with Vaishnavi that good movies like Tare Zamin Par are there which are good for parents and children both.

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yes, most of the movies shows effect on children, thats why we need to show good movies to children. child age is the powderful age , in that age whatever they learn that will stored very easily in their brain. I will tell you an example of a child , we was effected by the movies. A child once said that he wont eat food until he get married. So this is the effect of the movies on the children, so friends who have kids please try to take care of them and show them good movies which improve them and their skills.

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It certainly shows on impact on children by their style, living etc.
yes movies have always impact on children.
Since movies have both good and bad effect on children our role as elders becomes necessary to guide them and help them in selecting good movies which will help in shaping their character and mentality a great deal...
I think the movies are affecting children more because we know that the good movies are coming less more movies are having sexual contents more that effect children.

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