How to control terrorism?What are the measures to be taken to control it?

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Encounter is right way to finish the terrorist. Each police take responsibility atleast one encounter.

Santosh Kumar Singh


I think its going to be hard just kill them all........ :blush:
Terrorism is like an ugly evil that is grasping the world today and I think the terrorists should be severely punished so that this menace doesn't spread like an epidemic disease. I think the role and responsibilities of the governments plays an important role to eradicate this abnoxious weed from its roots...
There are two ways to minimize it. First, by being extra cautious and defensive, and second, by being offensive.I think it is high time to be offensive rather than being defensive.

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
Terrorism is a global phenomenon and it's more active in our parts of the world and we have to remain ever vigilant to fight this curse!
Terrorists are not born , but created.So the root cause of terrorism is to be sorted out and treated.

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I am sure the human race would meet this challenge and terrorism has no future in a civilized world!
You are right Ceeem.But the frequency and number of terrorist acts are going on increasing.

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In the history of human civilizations such critical moments came and human race effectively met them. And we have to be optimistic on this score!
firstly police force should head of the terrorists because there are several kind of innocent people which are made terrorist by forcing them .First the heads should bee kill down and then their slaves should be punished hard so that we can make them to follow the right way.
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