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Why the Mumbai is the most attacked by the terrorists?

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I think this topic is guess is may be due to over population in that city.
It financial capital of our country so any small blast beats the drums of all the citizens living in different nook and corner of the nation.

Apart from this, it is easily accessible through sea route, and being densely populated, its easy to commit and elope.

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
Terrorists find it easy to commit any crime in Mumbai and it has been so in the past and it will be the same tomorrow. The commit crime easily and they escape easily...
It's repeated once again and in the title it is 'Bombay' and 'Mumbai' in the post!!
Sasikanth this is topic that is already being discussed. Hence I am locking this thread.

I request to everyone once again that sufficient search be taken before posting any topics on forums.

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- W. C. Fields :)

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