Did you know anybody who sleep walks?


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It's a kind of a rare sleep disorder and I haven't come across any victim!
I haven't come across any such persons in my life but have heard about that.
I hear it but I did not see anybody who walk at the time of sleeping i think it was in one movie.

Santosh Kumar Singh



Not in real life, I have seen this sleep walks mostly in movies......
I had heard that some walks in sleep , but never had witnessed one.

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I dont know about 'sleep walk' but yeah I know about someone who 'sleep talks' and that person is

Me! :) :D

Swetha Shenoy
I have heard of it but, I haven't come across such people, why do people walk in sleep


Our worlds greatest cricketer sachin tendulkar who generally walks in his sleep.
I haven't seen or heard anyone in real life doing it but yes I have watched actors performing it in movies making us laugh....
It's known as somnabulism and kids are known to be prone to it!
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