In boddunan i saw an event organized by ms deepti.its at mc donalds. what sort of event is it? if its just get together how will all recognize each other.and why are we meeting in mc donalds its to hard enough to get a seat and if 15 people will attend how can they be together.?
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I do agree with sharon and it is not clear about the same why only 15 members.
I don't know about this event.Anybody who knows about it,please explain.
Hi guys, that was a get-together arranged by Deepti for boddunan team and members. But since it was in Hyderabad, only a few could attend. If any of you want to, take a poll on how many boddunan members live in your city/town and close by and see if you can arrange a similar event. Since geographical distance is a major constraint, not many can attend at a time, but you can always try.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Here the fact is that boddunan has members all over the country if not outside too and there were laudable attempts by a few enthusiastic members to organize such meets in the past. Hope such efforts would continue!
It seems good to have those people around whom we have never interacted face to face.Its bad for me since presently I am at a small place and can't attend these wonderful meets.Still the feelings shared there can be propagated through forum.

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
please give the information about the event
I am deeply hurt with the language! There are replies form many who don't run after points. A reply may not be satisfying but to question the very motive is most unfortunate. To be frank I couln't make out very clearly what the original question was about!
mr chinmoyukherjee u got hurted with the language i wrote. this msg u understood but not the first 1?you and mukesh wrote some thing else but not what i wanted from the members. i need information about the event not the deffination about the event.or why in other city the event is not held
Oh,you have edited the one on which I commented! Good! I won't make any further comment on this thread!!
Good that once again event will be organized i am in Mumbai so I will not able to attend .

Santosh Kumar Singh


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