How to control pollution?what steps to be taken to prevent this?

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First thing is to ban the use of lead containing petrol,ban the usage of plastic covers.
There are many ways through which pollution occurs and there are many kinds of it also. The few ways to contro it are:

encourage plantation as greenery are the lungs of the city, relocating the industrial area from the city to a distant place and properly disposal of the industrial wastes,banning the use of plastic bags, banning older commercial vehicles to run on the road as they produce much more harmful smoke than the new vehicles with hybrid engines etc.

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
I think education can control population. In villagers area poor children should get facility to study free of costs

Santosh Kumar Singh


Pollution is a curse to human society.We ourselves keep away from all pollution activities is the way to control it.

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Educating the people about the hazards of pollution in our environment..
Education surely can help us but that's true education! The world is being polluted more by the greed of human beings !
Education will help controlling pollution.But these educated people are buying more and more gadgets that add to pollution!!!

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Pollution cannot be controlled that easily as people are addicted to the facilities. First cause of pollution is petrol. But without petrol no vehicle can move.So petrol is necessary. So at least while using vehicle we need to stop when we are not going any where, I mean while standing at signals , try to stop the vehicle. At least 2% of the pollution can be reduced.
second cause is through factories. the smoke and the waste from the industries and factories.So government should not give them permission to establish their factories and industries in the city or town.
Third cause is usage of politen covers should be stopped. If the production of the politen cover stops then usage of them will be automatically stops. But people always says us to stop using but they wont stop production.
Pollution in food items. The shop keeper or the farmer ripe the fruits by using some chemicals before they get ripen.

Pollution in soft drinks, for profit and store for more time they started using pests in soft drinks.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.


What you have stated is absolutely correct and it seems some people have developed a vested interest in creating and perpetuating pollution!
Controlling pollution should start from every home with avoiding unnecessary items to be dumped in at all places.
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