Do you think India needs a change in Government at Centre?
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It is not actual change but fear of change that is most important. A government will work best if there is strong opposition and there is strong likelihood of change.

Things went wrong in West Bengal because the Left Front government never feared change. On the other hand, the same left front is better in Kerala because of constant fear of change. It is important in a parliamentary democracy that ruling party fears and opposition expects change. Only conscious and unbiased voters can bring such attitude.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

You are absolutely correct,Gulshan! Only fear of change and ever vigilant and effective opposition keeps a government on the right track!
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
Change in ideology is better than change in Govt.One election costs thousands of crores to the public. Moreover, how many times the public would experiment.There should be pressure on the govt to bring about the required change in their ideologies and policies to have effective control over all the menace.

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
The Indian reality is that all the government come to power riding ideologies and once ensconced in the seat of power these government throw these away at the first available opportunity!
everything is perfect . all laws are good that to be followed . need is to change the manual power who is not responding perfectly to the laws and policies.
We need not change our government. We should change ourselves to choose a correct person to send in government.
I think there is no need of change of government at center and the present government is doing a satisfactory job. When people feel the requirement of any change it will certainly take place through the method of election in times to come...
Surely,India needs a change in the government at centre and the persons who are really responsible of their duties should be appointed.
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