what are the punishments must be there in our indian courts against rapes?

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This issue has been discussed many times. Our law provides only imprisonment and fine for all offenses. We need to change social mindset more than bothering about law on rape. A raped woman should not be stigmatized or ridiculed.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

they should be punished to die.
I would recommend only one and one punishment and that is " HANGING TO DEATH ".

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Whatever the punishment it should be given in right time.....
they should be sentenced to death by killing them partly. I mean they should not be killed at a time. they should know the pain for the worst thing they have attempted

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

yeah right at least they might also experience the pain that they give to others.
The punishment should be really severe,so that the person should fear to do it.
The culprit should be hanged in front of everyone in the city

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Rape is a serious crime and a rapist should be given severe punishment so that these things doesn't get repeated over time. Anyone involved with this kind of crime should not be spared!!!
according to me people must hang the person till death who commited this crime.
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