How to get rid of dowry death problem (especially in India)?
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It can't be eradicated completely as it is there since time immemorial. Earlier it used to be ritual of giving giving gift to one's daughter at the time of marriage but later on it turned into greed.

The bride's family will have to scrutinize first if the groom's family is asking for it or not.If the groom is earning handsomely, he will never tend to ask for the dowry.

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We the boys have to decide that we will marry without accepting dowry.I married without any such demand.

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It can't be eradicated so easily .It has been strongly engraved on the minds of people.
It cannot be solved. the people should be counciled for not taking dowry this is the best way

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

It is not easy to get rid of dowry related problems in India and with the passage of time, dowry system has become a social evil. The Dowry Prohibition act should be made more stringent. Law alone cannot help. What is needed is strong Public opinion and sincere public co-operation. The youth should set an example....
We should come forward all together against dowry system.
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