Mamata Banerjee is always ready for talk with Maoists. They are busy regrouping themselves. They may also be indebted to Mamata Banerjee for mutual cooperation in ousting Left Front government.

It is to be seen whether Maoists will shed their cult of gun and return to mainstream just by some talk. Will they give up their plan to capture power through barrel of gun.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Ultimately solution lies in talks and appropriate conditions have to be created for the success of any such endeavor.With unearthing of huge cache of sophisticated weapons stockpiled by armed cadres of CPIM and skeletons almost with striking regularity , the people of Bengal know better who started this bloody game! No tears need be shed on pseudo communists of India!
The pseudo communists are part of parliamentary set up in India. Their defeat or winning elections is not so significant.

Here the question is whether the other communists (Maoists) agree to shed the doctrine 'Power flows from barrel of gun' and indulge in genuine talk. Not only West Bengal, they are killing innocent people- police and others in Orissa, Jharkhand, Bihar, Chhatisgarh also. If they really talk and shed violent means, it will be okay. But can we really expect this?

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

It's nothing new in free India.We have been battling several groups and outfits of insurgents in the North-East and the government held successful talks with some and still propose to reach them through talks.The Communist parties' participation in a parliamentary democracy is itself a decision born out of opportunism.If Maoists believe in the supremacy of guns overtly our, so-called Communists Parties' faith in it is covert as has been the case with West Bengal.The Left rule which was practically dominated by CPIM made a systmatic attempts to infiltrate into police and administration.The state party head quarters became the de facto the administrative head quarters.No where these parties have renounced their faith in proletariat dictatorship and revolution! In fact their participation in a parliamentary democracy has dubious intention of destroying the system from within to herald revolution! That's why the defeat of our pesudo communists and their sympathizers was so significant!!
No use of such talks. Maoist are not concerned of any talks. Nothing will happen.Nothing has happened in past too. They are ruling their region very well and i don't think they will give up their guns at any cost.

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No use of such talks. Maoist are not concerned of any talks. Nothing will happen.Nothing has happened in past too. They are ruling their region very well and i don't think they will give up their guns at any cost.

Ronak. Will you please clarify that the Maoists are ruling very well in their region. Maoists have no constitutional authority anywhere. They may be controlling some regions. How do you feel that they rule well. Have thet carried out anything good for people? Are people happy with them.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

It appears that Mamata Banerjee plans to tackle Maoist issue by (1) talk (2) rehabilitating those who lay down their arms (3) solve problems of residents. Such strategy may work.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I think the best strategy would be to isolate the hard core elements of the Maoists in the Jungle Mahal area and the poor people of this area have already indicated their choice by defeating the candidate put up by the Committee which is under the influence of Maoists and stepping up the developmental efforts in the region.
I don't think the talk will be fruitful and the way adopted is good without violence and destruction.
Once you break the back of the movement by nabbing the hard core elements that would pave the way for constructive dialogue!
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