I USE TO SMOKE 1-2 CIGERETTES ON DAILY BASIS. I want to quit it as my son is growing and I don't want him to learn all this from me.

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Yes,after addict to smoking is not possible to quickly avoid smoking,but if they wanted to live a good life they have to do this any how

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This topic discussed many time.. You better consult psychologist......
Thank you said by: mukesh ranjan
the simple way is when ever u feel like smoking take a chewing gum .. and see ur son too and think if i will not stop smoking he will get the habit by this u will try ur self to avoid .it will be tuff but not imposible.3 to 4 moths u need to strugle later u will never think of smoking ever

I read about Ecigarette marketed from today. This will enable quitting smoking.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: mukesh ranjan
Now some products are available but before you try them you need to mentally prepare yourself to kick it.And your consumption is much on the higher side!!!
Its not possible to completely stop it.But,can reduce it slowly .
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