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I think upto some age the chances of memory improvement is possible after that nothing can regain it back as cells in brain die after some age which is the main reason for memory loss.

However it is belived that green tea can develop the dead cells as said by researchers and chinese implement it too.
By thinking about the thing several times we cant forget about that one.For example in the child hood we had studied alphabets up to now we had forgotten them.

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see whatever you read just read as if you read newspaper. As if we read newspaper then we definitely remember the news that to only once we read. So I feel this is best way to improve the memory

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Practice is most important part of life if you are facing problem then you can do meditation and try attend memory classes.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Exercise your brain by giving it a challenge daily through games like chess and puzzles. Reduce your stress level and think that you have a good memory when remembering about things....
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