What are the ways to lose weight?
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Jogging, yoga and free hand exercises are some of the ways of losing weight.
loose weight by doinh regular exercise and take proper diet.
By doing the regular 1 hour jogging and controlling of oily food can reduce the weight

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Just keep away from food for a week.Drink only water.Definitely you will lose weight as well as control!

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Healthy oil free diet,yoga,walking are some of the tips to lose weight.
Brisk walk and avoiding fat rich diet and taking sound sleep.

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
we can lose weight by cycling and walking. and by stop having fat content food

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

do exercise daily and low down your diet have a sound sleep daily.
Dont eat in the nights eat only pulkas and drink buttermilk it will help you.

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Eating apples in lunch and dinners helps a lot as they fill your stomach faster and very low in calories. It can help in fast weight loss and don't forget to take a balanced diet with it...
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