Iam thinking to ask this question for a long time. Today only it happened. In discussion posts, i can see the word "Karma:0" written at the right hand corner of every message followed by two icons. Does anybody know what is the purpose and meaning of this?

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ya i also had this doubt for a long time.. but any other than us click a green icon near to karma, your karma value will increase.. i tested this with a person in forum yesterday
It tells how important you are on the forum to others. If you find to be helpful to other members, they can give thumbs up to you else thumbs down. This tells your popularity on forums.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

It tells how important you are on the forum to others. If you find to be helpful to other members, they can give thumbs up to you else thumbs down. This tells your popularity on forums.
What is this ? Copy and paste of moderator's reply??

I think almost all has Karma 0 here.Members do not mind Karma may be the reason.
I think nobody uses it. I will start using it and increase the Karma of members who contributes more.

Besides Karma, there is first a number (min. 0), green and red icons. Any member may add karma by clicking green and r3duce it by clicking red icon. The number indicated green clicks minus red clicks. This is a measure of popularity ort appreiation.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

There is one more thing about Karma.We cannot continuously increase the karma of a person.I think a time gap of six hours is needed to increase the karma of a person for second time.
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